CrossWalk supports the Marion County Victim Assistance Program. In 1981, the Marion County District Attorney established the Victim Assistance Division. Over the years, the program has grown in its mission and contributions to the community. They work closely with more than fifty volunteers in providing services to victims of violent crimes in Marion County.

They fulfill their mission by:

  • Providing direct victim services
  • Advocating for victim rights
  • Offering volunteer opportunities
  • Providing education and promote public awareness
  • Promoting professional and agency communication

The Victim Assistance program provides 24-hour on-call response for the victims of sexual assault and for the surviving loved ones of homicide victims. They provide support through the prosecution of a case for victims of child abuse, stalking, elder abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and homicide, as well as services to victims of other types of violent and traumatic crimes.

For more information:

VisitThe Marion County Victim Assistance Website
Call – 503-588-5253